Arrivederci: Personal

Faithful blog readers, I should be packing right now. But I’m blogging. And editing. And emailing. It’s tough to take a vacation when you own a business. (Or in the case of my husband and I, two businesses) But tomorrow we leave for our vacation/anniversary trip/babymoon, whatever you want to call it, we are out of here! We’ll be celebrating 5 years of marriage and getting a much needed break from life in The Eternal City for the next week.

I’ll be out of the office starting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3 until Wednesday, November 11. While I’m away, my voicemail will be suspended. It was an easy decision to make when I found out I would pay $1.29/minute every time someone left me a message even if I didn’t listen to it. So please use good ol’ email to correspond while I’m gone. I will make it a top priority to return emails when I’m back on the 11th. If I owe you photos, I promise they will be delivered asap when I get home. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being patient and understanding. I’ll be a happier person when I’ve had a week free of stress, business, email, and a whole week to spend with my hubby :)

The view from our hotel rooftop in Rome. *sigh* Only 10 hours of flight time stand between this view and me!
