I was a bad blogger last week. No posts. The past couple of weeks have been insane between my younger brother getting married, Thanksgiving & a sick little boy. Crazy. So I’m finally getting around to posting this sweet newborn baby girl. We had to push her session back a week after the poor thing […]
Nikki - Omg look at how beautiful she is!!!! Shes amazingly cute and her mommys pretty fricken cool too!!!November 30, 2010 – 11:13 pm
Steff - Heidi, these are so good. I love the office’s hard wood as a background. Simple but interesting and rustic. I like.Also, the cream crocheted bundle thing Jenni made is beautiful!!! I love that picture!November 30, 2010 – 2:07 pm
Jenni - Oh my gosh! I am so in love with these pictures! It is completely different to see my stuff with living breathing babies in it! Thanks for sharing them!November 29, 2010 – 9:27 pm