Just wanted to let everyone know that I am officially on vacation! I’m flying out this morning to head off to Charleston, WV, to spend the week with some of my favorite people. I’m so excited that Mike gets to come along for the first part of the trip, too. We’re going to visit David, Steph and Parker. Stephanie and I have been best friends since we were 12, and I try to go see her every chance I get!
All of that to say that I am out of my office and taking a break until Friday, December 19th. I’ll return all calls and emails then. I appreciate your understanding :) I guess it isn’t a total vacation since I’ll be photographing 3 portrait sessions while I’m there. Whenever I go to Charleston, I always have people ask me to do sessions. I actually had to turn work down this time, because I didn’t want to spend the entire trip working! I completely appreciate all of the support I get from my Charleston peeps!
Wish me luck because it’s supposed to snow while I’m there, and I’m completely afraid of cold weather. It makes my hands dry, and I’m basically a total Florida-raised wimp. It does usually help my hair though, since there’s no humidity! Yay for good hair days, boo for dry hands. lol.
Seriously, who wouldn’t want to spend the week with this guy?
My BFF! Love her!