Thanks to all of you who have voted for me in the WESH Channel 2’s A-list competition, I am now in 6th place! That’s out of 130 photographers! Can you believe it? If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time. Click on the link below: It will ask you for you email and your […]

Orlando Wedding-Newborn Photographer | Classic Family Photography
Heidi Mitchell is an Orlando, FL, natural light photographer specializing in Wedding, Newborn, and Family photography serving Orlando, Mount Dora, Tavares, Florida
Monthly Archives: June 2008Ashley & Grant got married this past Sunday at the beautiful Casa Feliz in Winter Park. I have wanted to photograph a wedding here for forever, and Ashley finally gave me the chance :) The weather did not look promising for a 5:00 ceremony on the lawn, but at about 4:30 the sun appeared just […] Hi Everyone! I am competing for best photographer in WESH Channel 2’s “A-List 2008” competition! If anyone wants to vote for me, just click on the link below, and then you’ll see the “vote” button. You can also write a review if you want to. It will just ask you for your email address in […] I am so excited to tell everyone that my new “Weddings Only” website is up! I have been working on it for a while, and it’s finally ready. I still have some wedding photos on my original site, but the new site is dedicated completely to weddings. I really wanted to showcase my wedding work […] I am so excited to say that I will have a new website up very soon! I have been working on a website that would be just for weddings, and it’s almost ready! As soon as it’s up, I’ll post the link! I can’t wait for everyone to see :) Heidi |
Heidi Mitchell - The rings weren’t from Tiffany’s, but they came in a box that color, so I took advantage of it :)July 10, 2008 – 1:54 pm
Ashley McCormick Photography - Love these Heidi!! Were their rings from Tiffany’s? They had the signature blue box! I am so impressed that she did the bouquet herself – it’s beautiful!!July 10, 2008 – 4:28 am