It’s been almost a month already since I graduated! I am beyond happy to be finished with that phase of my life. Now it’s time to focus solely on business. I’m super excited about some BIG changes for Heidi Mitchell Photography this summer! Over the next few months, you can expect:
1. A fresh, new logo
2. A brand spankin’ new blog
3. Major updates to the websites
4. Some surprise announcements (business related only. i can sense some of your minds wandering right now.)
5. Some fabulous giveaways to celebrate
Woo hoo! I’m excited. For now, here are a few photos from graduation.
I am in there somewhere. I promise.
My friend, Ashley, who helped me maintain my sanity during our commute and 6 hour long classes.
My hubby :)
My mom and dad. My dad brought me the roses in my hand :)
Two of my most favoritest people. (Yes, i know that’s not a word, but I like it.) My bff since we were 12, Stephanie, and my amazing sister-in-law, Caimbrin. So glad these girls could be with me!
Mike & I without that ugly, black gown on!
My family! Me, my husband, my parents, and my 3 younger brothers.
Heidi Mitchell - thanks, girls :)June 7, 2009 – 1:38 am
a passion to capture the moment.... - Definitely good to have a goal can't wait to see what's to come. Let me know if you want to get together this week and if you can make it 6/26.June 6, 2009 – 8:28 pm
Lauren Kelly - Heidi, I'm soooo stinking proud of you. I know you have to feel such a sense of accomplishment :)June 5, 2009 – 7:16 pm